Why Your Business Needs TikTok

5 · 24 · 22

TikTok is a relatively new social networking application that has lately boomed. The app has been described as a hybrid of Vine, Twitter, and Instagram, allowing its 1 billion monthly active users to make short-form, music-focused videos and edit them using lenses, filters, and AR features.

Although TikTok was first popular among teens, it has slowly gained the interest of young adults (almost 70% of its active users are under 40), making it a perfect target for companies seeking the elusive attention of millennials and Gen Z. It’s even become a popular search engine.

Should You Be Using TikTok?

Yes, 100%! Although most of TikTok’s users are under 21, TikTok may be a significant lead generating tool if you let it. TikTok is available in over 150 countries and has over 1 billion active monthly users, the perfect opportunity for more exposure. TikTok was first used mainly by people, but it has also become a popular business platform for any niche in the last two years.

Why use TikTok?

Here are our top reasons you should be using TikTok for your business in 2022:

  • TikTok is a popular platform for individuals to express their creative freedom since it is free and straightforward to use!
  • Creating TikTok content may help you stay current and speed with the newest trends.
  • From a business standpoint, it’s an excellent opportunity to reach out to people with snackable content and generate traction for your product or brand.
  • It establishes your brand as one that is personal to you. Individuals that are a ‘personal brand’ recognise the significance, but larger firms might benefit from personalising their brand.
  • It’s not that serious. 99.9% of TikTok’s content is lighthearted, amusing, and engaging. It’s about real people being genuine and stupid.

5 Types of Ads on TikTok

On TikTok, there are options for five different types of ads. Choose which one works best for your business or use a combination.

TopView Ads

When a user opens the app, TopView Ads appear at the top of their TikTok feed and can last up to 60 seconds. Because this is TikTok’s most famous ad kind, it’s an important marketing strategy for grabbing customers’ attention and increasing brand exposure.

In-Feed Ads

In-Feed Ads work the same way as Snapchat or Instagram story ads do. They must be 60 seconds or less, play on full screen, and be skippable (although the ideal length is 15 seconds). They show on the ForYou feed of a user. Clicks, impressions, click-through rate (CTR), video views, and interactions may all determine a campaign’s performance.

Brand Takeover Ads

Brand takeovers allow a single company to control the app for a single day. TopView Advertising will enable you to create photos or video ads (about three to five seconds long) that show at the top of the app, but they are not skippable. You may also include internal and external landing page links in your advertising. Look at impressions and CTR to see how successful a brand takeover was.

Branded Effects

Users can attach branded effects to their films (games, stickers, filters, and special effects). TikTok is a simple and low-cost method of promoting your business. These interactive experiences can also become viral.

Branded Hashtag Challenges

Businesses can hold hashtag challenges, in which they develop a hashtag and a prize for the winners. For example, DreamWorks organised a successful hashtag challenge to promote their Netflix programme SpiritRidingFree The studio urged TikTok users to make a video of themselves dancing to the show’s theme tune and upload it to the hashtag #SpiritRidingFree. With over 2.6 million engagements and over 4.3 million total video views, the campaign touched over 34.4 million users.

Final Thoughts on Tik Tok and Your Brand

It’s up to you to choose what is good or bad for your company. Be sure you’re approaching the matter sensibly when deciding whether or not to join the TikTok bandwagon. Wonder which other social media platforms should your business be on in 2022? Click here to view our guide.

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